Monday, February 10, 2014

Change: It starts with me

Change: It starts with me

        They say that the only permanent in this world is CHANGE. As the time passes by, CHANGE is always there.
        But, why is it that our nation needs change?
        Many Filipinos are suffering from poverty which forces them to do crimes such as murder, rape, robbery and many other evil doings. Our country is also included in the list of countries that belong to the lower class. One of the main reasons of this is our wrong doings. We are always complaining about our government but we never complained about ourselves. Some of us are not paying the right taxes where our government can get something to implement projects and programs for the betterment of our nation. Some of us also influence others in wrong ways instead of doing their duties and responsibilities.
        The change is in our hands. To change old nation with poverty and crimes, we must do something, and it is to do our responsibilities and obligation being a citizen of our country.

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